Published Works

Published Works

The Economic Times

In the drastic scenarios created by COVID 19, The published article focuses upon equitable recovery as a holistic lens for Indian corporations to balance the immense short-term priorities and revitalize a healthy business ecosystem by using India’s diverse workforce to its advantage. It also highlights my devised Equitable Recovery Framework as a useful tool to improve an organization’s response to the Coronavirus pandemic and stitch the path to an equitable recovery through its internal functioning.

Innovation Civilization Podcast with Mr. Faisal Ali Rashid, Senior Director, Dubai Supreme Council of Energy

How Dubai aims to implement Net Zero – Lessons for the World

Co-hosted an episode on Empasco’s Innovation Civilization Podcast featuring Mr. Faisal Ali Rashid, Senior Director at the Dubai Supreme Council of Energy. We explored how Dubai leverages financial mechanisms to drive sustainability initiatives—integrating incentives to support the Demand Side Management Strategy and its market impact. We also discussed the pivotal role of youth in the transition to net zero, and how the Advancing Net Zero team engages and empowers them to contribute effectively to Dubai’s ambitious sustainability goals.

Empasco’s Innovation Civilization Podcast delves into sustainability, innovation, deep tech, and political economy, engaging a global audience of millennials and the new generation. With around a quarter of a million listens, past guests include former Prime Ministers, Nobel Prize Winners, Europe’s top venture capitalists, Tech CEOs, best-selling authors, and leaders of world institutions.

Destination India 2024 | Check out time | Why sustainability in hospitality spells an existential crisis?

The article published in DI Conversations, delves into the crucial question: “Is the future of hospitality adequately Sustainable, Responsible and Profitable?” This article explores the urgent need for global hotel chains to embrace sustainability across their value chains and also looks at key recommendations that aid this transformation to a more responsible business. Explore tools (such as the ESG strategy planning framework, pathway of integration and overarching management action map) that have been developed through my past research on the link below.

Haas School of Business EGAL

The published article focuses on organizational leadership. It describes it to be about value creation in domains of business, society, and our planet. The article highlights how flexibility and experimentation will become core components of leadership in the management of large home-based workforces and in the dire need to create a strong workflow and provide essential services, corporations have to take care of their strongest asset, i.e their human resources.
“And I thought of an equity fluent student who was no longer able to attend classes remotely due to weak internet service and my class now being held in the middle of his night — Tushar Narula. He had two choices when his exchange program was cut short due to this global pandemic and had to exit immediately to quarantine in his home country. He could wallow in frustration and sadness, and spin on how unfair the world is. Or he could think about what an Equity Fluent Leader would do. Brilliantly, and in one of the most pride-inducing experiences of my 18+ years teaching at Haas, he sent me an email with his strategy and said he “has been thinking about COVID and my class.”
Dr. Kellie McElhaney

Elsevier: Science of the Total Environment Journal

Housing as a critical determinant of heat vulnerability and health

Municipalities use Heat Vulnerability Indices (HVIs) to quantify and map relative distribution of risks to human health in the event of a heatwave. These maps ostensibly allow public agencies to identify the highest-risk neighborhoods, and to concentrate emergency planning efforts and resources accordingly (e.g., to establish the locations of cooling centers). The method of constructing an HVI varies by municipality, but common inputs include demographic variables such as age and income – and to some extent, metrics such as land cover. However, taking demographic data as a proxy for heat vulnerability may provide an incomplete or inaccurate assessment of risk. A critical limitation in HVIs may be a lack of focus on housing characteristics and how they mediate indoor heat exposure. To provide an objective assessment of this limitation, we first reviewed HVIs in the literature and those published or commissioned by municipalities. We subsequently verified that most of these HVIs excluded housing factors. Next, to scope the potential consequences, we used physics-based simulations of housing prototypes (46,000 housing permutations per city) to estimate the variation in indoor heat exposure within high-vulnerability neighborhoods in Boston and Phoenix. The results show that by excluding building-level determinants of exposure, HVIs fail to capture important components of heat vulnerability. Moreover, we demonstrate how these maps currently overlook important nuances regarding the impact of building age and air conditioning functionality. Finally, we discuss the challenges of implementing housing stock characteristics in HVIs and propose methods for overcoming these challenges.

Smart Farmer Africa 2023: Fighting climate change through structures: An Agroecology based framework

The following feature focuses on addressing climate change through structures such as Agroecology frameworks published by Smart Farmer Africa. The magazine’s authority on farmer and agricultural community focuses on bringing collective action from the various stakeholders addressed in the framework. The framework promotes nature based solutions for accelerated climate action. The proposed development pathway has two main functions – the identification of key stakeholders activities and the design of a functioning adaptation mechanism.

Perennial Environmental Journal of Berkeley

Agro Ecology Adaption Based Framework to Empower the Ruralbased Farmers for Climate Change: Improving Kenya
Climate change has created rifts in the formal ways of farming in Kenya. The different methods used have less focus on the development of land sustainability and biodiversity. The recent pushtowards infrastructural development has threatened the farmed lands. The Published paper proposes a framework consists of six crucial actions that can be adhered to and carried out in the form of a project. It would consist of the creation of model Agroecology farms, formal training of trainers (TOTs) programs, development of farmer outreach programs, design of biodiversity action plans, choice of community crop insurance scheme and project monitoring/evaluation.

CNN IBN: Making Stronger a India

Top 5 Indian Changemakers: Independence Day coverage for Anemia Free Nation Social Campaign on the diagnosing symptoms and testing of 900 people, 2016